Thank You Letter

I started writing this blog because I wanted to be famous. The last thing that I need right now is for this to be a huge thing. Stuff I’ve written here can not leave this place. This is the one spot where I’m completly and absolutly confortable to say everything I think and feel. The stuff I write about may seem a little stupid or shallow but it feels SO good to be able to just say whatever the fuck I want u know

And most post are about some sad stuff because writing about my crap here is easier and comforting, especially when this is the only place I can actually put it all out. And God there is stuff to be told; there are some dark moments of beeing a teenager. So actually this is supose to be a thank you letter.

Thank you for reading my crap who ever you are. You matter to me more than most people I actually know. You know most of my deepest secrets and my not so good feelings about people and the world. And the fact that you take something like 5 min of your time to spend in my blog, it’s already a lot more than most people do for me. So thank you for being my best friend when I really really need one. Thank you!



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